Passenger Tracking, Queue Management and KPI Analysis
To provide a seamless, effective and efficient door-to-door journey experience for the traveller is the prime objective for today's air transport. This means that passengers, their baggage, cargo and the aircraft need to physically come together and flow seamlessly through the air transport system of which the airport is a pivotal part. Therefore airports have to have knowledge of customer behavior and how passengers move at their airport.
But - airports still have a limited understanding and information what passenger, airport customers and "meet and greeters" actually do and how much time they spend at which area at their airport. This affects all areas from parking to check-in, passport control, security control, retail, people mover, customs, baggage reclaim and taxi ranks. Not having detailed knowledge of these information may have negative effect on human resource planning, time efficiency and revenue potentials for an airport and the overall airport experience.
INTRO Aviation provides a highly sophisticated, accurate and cost efficient solution for Passenger Flow Management which not only measures passenger and customer movements but also analysis trends and patterns and does this with guaranteeing full customer data privacy. Besides normal Passenger Counting and tracking our solution also precisely measures process and waiting times in queuing areas, queue fill levels and in and outflow as well as counts of open lines and desks.
We are able to provide answers to the following questions and help you to adjust and optimize the relevant processes:
- How does the customers come to the airport and in which time frame?
- Where does the customer come from?
- How long and where does customer spend time in the public domain (landside)?
- How much time do those spend in the public domain who aren‘t passenger?
- How, how long and when do passengers check in (counter, CUSS or online)?
- When before boarding do passenger pass security control?
- How long does security control take?
- How many passengers buy/eat airside?
- What is the utilization structure of the lounge(s) (duration, headcount, buying patterns…)?
- How many regular/recurrent customers are there and their customer structure?
- What is the productivity of the airport (depending on question)?
- Which passengers spend how much in non-aviation?
- Which passengers spend how much with parking?
Having these information puts you and your team in the position to ensure that your airport makes efficient use of its resources air- and landside to optimize the handling of passengers, baggage, cargo and aircraft depending on the nature of the passenger (business or leisure).